You get a lot of information thrown at you when you start thinking about having a baby. Does every little decision really carry as much weight as the world would lead you to believe? Just spend an hour online and the mommy forums will have you all worked up! Here’s a little secret from one […]
This post is sponsored by HelloFresh and contains affiliate links, but all opinions are that of Daily Mom. The rush of the holidays are over, and your family is still recovering. You are still recovering. You might still have to take down all the holiday decorations. There is still a pile of wrapping paper in that corner […]
When a toy is all the rage, is it really worth the hype? Hatchimals are hugely popular but are they really as fun and engaging as your child imagines? We are all about trying things first hand and sharing all the details with you. Daily Kid Alexis just happens to love Hatchimals and was more […]
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